'Let's put an end to the era of plastic in Europe' – European citizens' initiative

'Let's put an end to the era of plastic in Europe' – European citizens' initiative

The European Commission decided to register 3 new European citizens' initiatives, one of which is 'Let's put an end to the era of plastic in Europe'.

The organisers of this initiative call on the European Commission to revise the Directive on the impact of certain plastics on the environment with the aim of banning all single-use plastics in Europe'. The initiative aims to ban 'all plastic packaging and bottles by 2027 so that concrete measures can begin to be put in place to respect the limits of our resources.' Should any of the 3 registered initiatives receive 1 million statements of support from at least 7 Member States within 1 year, the Commission will analyse and respond to the initiative. The Commission can decide either to follow the request or not, and in both instances would be required to explain its reasoning.

Source and more information: https://europa.eu/rapid/press-release_IP-19-3456_en.htm