
Válasszon nyelvet

Ajánljuk a figyelmükbe a következő nemzetközi szakkiállítást és konferenciát:

Nowadays, it is more important than ever for the advanced waste management and recycling solutions to reach the South-East European market more quickly. The business, industry, and municipalities need new equipment and know-how and invest in the following spheres: rehabilitation of contaminated sites, plastics, bio-, construction and demolition, electronic waste recycling and recovery, sewage sludge treatment and reuse, etc. 

For 10 years in a row Save the Planet (waste management & recycling exhibition and conference) brings together leading providers and their prospects. Within 3 days (16-18 April, Sofia, Bulgaria) it will be a platform for products launch, face-to-face contacts and inspiration for new projects in SE Europe. The various services provided by Via Expo before and after the show ensure comprehensive online promotion of exhibitors and help them find local distributors and clients. 

In advance - some solutions which will be presented:

Waste handling equipment for landfill management; Cleaning and municipal technologies, waste collection machines; Composting machines; Shredding, screening, mixing equipment; Recycling machines; Mobile and stationary shredders; Waste separation technologies by air; Optical sorting; Containers; Pelleting plants; Energy from waste; Solutions for the urban waste collection based on cloud technology, Industrial, agricultural and municipal waste management services; etc.

The parallel Conference will highlight new trends and good practices that can be successfully implemented in SE Europe.

Circular economy, Funding of waste management projects, Waste management & recycling solutions will be among the topics. 

Join Save the Planet - contact us at www.viaexpo.com

Parallel events: EE & RE and  Smart Cities