Circular economy – Eurostat data

Circular economy – Eurostat data

The European Commission adopted an ambitious 'Circular Economy Package'. An EU Action Plan for the circular economy establishes a concrete programme of actions outlining measures that cover the entire product life cycle: from production and consumption to waste management and the market for secondary raw materials. In addition the circular economy has strong synergies with the EU’s objectives on climate and energy and with the Commission’s package on 'Clean Energy for all Europeans'. The circular economy is also instrumental in supporting the EU’s commitments on sustainability, as outlined in the Communication   ‘Next steps for a sustainable European future’ and in particular to reach Sustainable Development Goal 12 'Responsible consumption and production'.

Eurostat's role is to provide easy access to the relevant data for citizens and policy makers in order to support the monitoring progress. Monitoring allows the European Commission and other policy makers to keep track of the progress made and assess the effectiveness of their actions. It also provides a clear signal to economic actors such as business and consumers on ongoing trends.

Eurostat’s webpages dedicated to the circular economy can be found here.