Recyclers’ 6 key recommendations for improving packaging circularity under PPWR

Recyclers’ 6 key recommendations for improving packaging circularity under PPWR

In view of the European Parliament’s and Council’s positioning on the Commisison’s proposal for a Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation (PPWR), the European Recycling Industries’ Confederation (EuRIC) calls on the European legislator to support 6 key recommendations for making packaging more circular under the PPWR:

  1. Unequivocally support recycled content targets
  2. Recycled content and bio-based plastics deserve separate targets
  3. Mandatory third-party verification of sustainability requirements
  4. Effective representation of recyclers in EPR and DRS governing bodies
  5. Equal market access for all actors in recycling markets
  6. Voluntary DRS and flexibility in implementation of collection targets

Source: detailed EuRIC recommendations available here

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